No matter how smart we are, if we are not smart in carrying ourselves and humble, it is difficult for us to survive in social life.

No matter how smart we are, if we are not smart in carrying ourselves and humble, it is difficult for us to survive in social life.

There is a candidate who managed to beat 40 other fresh graduate candidates because of his intelligence in the industry he was applying for. However, he only lasted 3 months. The reason is, he is not good at carrying himself, cannot position himself and is not humble. At the meeting he gave his idea as if he broke the idea of ​​superiors and people who were in the meeting. Maybe his ideas were extraordinary, but because the way he conveyed his views on other people's ideas was not good, his boss didn't want him to become a permanent employee. In addition, almost everyone who had dealt with him could not stand his behavior as if other people did not possess knowledge at his level.

The moral of this incident:

Be humble towards others. We may be very smart in some things, but it is certain that in others our knowledge is very weak, we will not possibly know everything. Keep oral and written from belittling other people because it will only harm us.


By : Afra Adzani

Recruitment & Business Manager of Japanese Account Division at